Identidad Empresa: Nicolás Méndez Sánchez– NIF: 53197017H , Dir. Postal: Ricardo Torres Quiroga Ciudad: Vigo CP: 36210, Teléfono: 698159628, E-Mail: Datos de contacto del delegado en protección de datos: No se dispone de delegado.
Descripción ampliada de la finalidad/es del tratamiento: Trataremos sus datos para la Gestión clientes, administrativa, contable y fiscal, pero usted tendrá que poner la finalidad de su tratamiento
Plazos o criterios de conservación de los datos: Los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación con la entidad y no se solicite su supresión por el interesado, serán conservados conforme a los plazos legales establecidos en materia fiscal y contable, tomando como referencia la última comunicación.
Decisiones automatizadas, perfiles y lógica aplicada: La empresa NO tomará decisiones automatizadas, perfiles o lógica aplicada a sus datos.
Legitimation for the performance of a contract:
Due to the fact that the processing is necessary for the performance of a commercial contract, to which you are a party , it is noted that the type of contract in question is the aforementioned commercial contract or pre-contractual relationship. As the communication of personal data is a legal or contractual requirement and a necessary prerequisite for entering into the aforementioned contract, the interested party is informed that he/she is obliged to provide the personal data and that the consequences of not doing so may result in the non-provision of the requested service.
RowanStudio will not make any transfer of personal data during the period of processing, unless legally obliged to do so, nor will it make any transfer whatsoever.
The data subject may exercise the following rights:
Right to request access to their personal data. The right to request its rectification or deletion. The right to request the limitation of their processing. The right to object to the processing. The right to data portability. The right to withdraw the consent given.
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not the Entity is processing personal data concerning them. Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, data subjects may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep it for the exercise or defence of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. In this case, the entity will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.
If you have given your consent for any specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.
To do this you can use the forms provided by the company, or send a letter to RowanStudio – Ricardo Torres Quiroga 19 – CP: 36210 Vigo you can also send an email to:
In the event that you feel that your rights concerning the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you may file a complaint with the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority through its website:
In compliance with the provisions of article 21 of Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, if you do not wish to receive further information about our services, you can unsubscribe at the following e-mail address of the entity, indicating ‘Do not send mail’ in the subject line.
The personal data that we process at RowanStudio (Nicolás Méndez Sánchez) comes directly from you: the data subject or their legal representative.
The categories of data that are processed are: (No specially protected data are processed)
Identification data
Identification codes or passwords
Postal or e-mail addresses
Commercial information
Financial data
– Engaging in illicit, illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order.
– Disseminate racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal content or propaganda, apology of terrorism or that violates human rights.
– Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of [Company name], its suppliers or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damage.
– Attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the e-mail accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.
– Use the website or the information contained therein for commercial, political or advertising purposes or for any commercial use, especially in the sending of unsolicited e-mails.
Nicolás Méndez Sánchez reserves the right to remove all comments and contributions that violate respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that violate youth or childhood, public order or safety or that, in his opinion, are not appropriate for publication. In any case, Nicolás Méndez Sánchez will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through the forums, chats, or any other means of communication.
Data protection
Everything relating to data protection policy is contained in the privacy policy document. Contents. Intellectual and industrial property
Nicolás Méndez Sánchez owns all the intellectual and industrial property rights of his website, as well as the elements contained therein (including but not limited to: images, photographs, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by the OWNER or its licensors.
All rights reserved. Pursuant to the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, on any medium and by any technical means, without the authorisation of the OWNER, are expressly prohibited.
Exclusion of guarantees and liability THE USER acknowledges that the use of the website and its contents and services is carried out under his/her sole responsibility. Specifically, by way of example only, THE OWNER assumes no liability in the following areas:
a) The availability of the operation of the website, its services and contents and their quality or interoperability.
b) The purpose for which the website serves the USER’s objectives.
c) The infringement of current legislation by the USER or third parties and, specifically, of the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by other persons or entities.
d) The existence of malicious code or any other harmful computer element that could damage the USER’s computer system or that of third parties. It is the responsibility of the USER, in any case, to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of these elements.
e) Fraudulent access to the contents or services by unauthorised third parties, or, where appropriate, the capture, elimination, alteration, modification or manipulation of messages and communications of any kind that said third parties may carry out.
f) The accuracy, veracity, timeliness and usefulness of the content and services offered and the subsequent use made of them by the USER. THE OWNER shall use all reasonable efforts and means to provide up-to-date and reliable information.
g) Damage caused to computer equipment during the use of the website.
h) Damages or losses arising from circumstances arising from unforeseen circumstances or force majeure.
In the event that there are forums, the use of the same or other similar spaces, it must be taken into account that the messages only reflect the opinion of the USER who sends them, who is solely responsible. THE HOLDER is not responsible for the content of the messages sent by the USER.
Modification of this legal notice and duration
THE OWNER reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate on its website, and may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same, as well as the way in which they are represented or located on its website.
The validity of the aforementioned conditions will depend on their exposure and they will be in force until they are modified by others duly published.
En el caso de que en WEB se incluyesen enlaces o hipervínculos hacia otros sitios de Internet, EL TITULAR no ejercerá ningún tipo de control sobre dichos sitios y contenidos. En ningún caso EL TITULAR asumirá responsabilidad alguna por los contenidos de algún enlace perteneciente a un sitio web ajeno, ni garantizará la disponibilidad técnica, calidad, fiabilidad, exactitud, amplitud, veracidad, validez y constitucionalidad de cualquier materia o información contenida en ninguno de dichos hipervínculos y otros sitios en Internet. Igualmente, la inclusión de estas conexiones externas no implicará ningún tipo de asociación, fusión o participación con las entidades conectadas.
Derechos de exclusión
EL TITULAR ser reserva el derecho a denegar o retirar el acceso a portal y/o los servicios ofrecidos sin necesidad de advertencia previa, a instancia propia o de un tercero, a aquellos usuarios que incumplan el contenido de este aviso legal.
EL TITULAR perseguirá el incumplimiento de las presentes condiciones así como cualquier utilización indebida de su portal ejerciendo todas las acciones civiles y penales que le puedan corresponder en derecho.
Legislación aplicable y jurisdicción
La relación entre EL TITULAR y EL USUARIO se regirá por la normativa española vigente. Todas las disputas y reclamaciones derivadas de este aviso legal se resolverán por los juzgados y tribunales españoles.
Menores de edad
WEB dirige sus servicios a usuarios mayores de 14 años– Los menores de esta edad no están autorizados a utilizar nuestros servicios y no deberán, por tanto, enviarnos sus datos personales. Informamos de que si se da tal circunstancia, Nicolás Méndez Sánchez no se hace responsable de las posibles consecuencias que pudieran derivarse del incumplimiento del aviso que en esta misma cláusula se establece.